Fort Worth House Tour

Our house is about 2,800 some odd feet and sits on almost half an acre. That means we have plenty of space, inside and out, to renovate, which is great but also very scary!!! There are times when we wonder what we’ve gotten ourselves into renovating such a big home and most of this stuff we have never done before. Well, its too late…suck it up! The Lord has blessed you and stop complaining. With that said, lets get into this tour!

Here the before pics:

The Outside :Before

The Outside: After

The Entry Way: Before


The Entryway: After

The Dark and Gloomy Living and Dining Rooms: Before


Dining and Living Room: After

The Sun Room: Before-  It was originally and outside patio that at some point one of the owners “converted”-not very well, might I add!


The Kitchen ( In All of It’s Gloom)

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The Kitchen: After

To Be Continued…’cause, like I said, there are many rooms…and nooks…and crannies…you get the idea. Just check back in periodically, mmkk?